Candidates are hereby informed that the selection process will be through Computer Based Test (CBT) and Written Examinations
DAY 1 – SATURDAY, 3RD OCTOBER, 2015, 9.00am – 6.00pm , DLI e-CENTER
Master of Business Administration (F/T, P/T& Executive)
Master of Science in Accounting (F/T)
Master of Risk Management
Master of Science in Actuarial Science (F/T & P/T)
Master of Science in Risk Management and Insurance (F/T)
Master of Science in Management (F/T & P/T)
Master of Science in Marketing (F/T & P/T)
Master of Science in Operations Research (F/T & P/T)
Master of Science in Organisational Behaviour (F/T & P/T)
Master of Science in Production/Operations Management (F/T& P/T)
Master of Development Finance (P/T)
Master of Science in Finance (F/T & P/T)
Postgraduate Diploma in Finance (P/T)
Master of Industrial and Labour Relation (P/T)
Master of Science in Industrial Relations & Personnel Management (F/T)
Master of Geographic Information System (P/T)
Master of Science in Geography and Planning (F/T)
Master of Transportation Planning and Management (P/T)
DAY 2 – SATURDAY, 10th OCTOBER, 2015, 9.00 – 6.00pm, DLI e - CENTER
Master of Law (F/T & P/T)
Postgraduate Diploma in Education (F/T & Sandwich)
Postgraduate Diploma in Educational Administration & Planning (P/T)
Master of Education in Educational Administration & Planning (F/T, P/T & Sandwich)
Postgraduate Diploma in Economics (P/T)
Master of Science in Economics (F/T & P/T)
Postgraduate Diploma in Mass Communications (F/T & P/T)
Master of Science in Mass Communications (F/T & P/T)
Master of Public and International Affairs
Master of Public Administration (P/T)
Master of Science in Political Science (F/T)
Master of Managerial Psychology (P/T)
Master of Science in Psychology (F/T)
Master of Science in Sociology (F/T & P/T)
Master of Criminology (F/T & P/T)
M.Sc. Public Health (F/T & P/T)
Master of Public Health (MPH) (F/T)
Master of Environmental Management
Master of Information Technology (P/T)
Master of Science in Computer Science (F/T)
Postgraduate Diploma in Computer Science (P/T)
DAY 1 – TUESDAY, 6TH OCTOBER, 2015, MULTI-PURPOSE HALL A (Morning Session - 8.00am – 12noon)
Master of Education in Adult Education (F/T & Sandwich)
Master of Education in Adult Education Management (F/T)
Master of Education in Community Development & Social Work (F/T & Sandwich)
Master of Education in Manpower Training and Development (F/T & Sandwich)
Master of Education in Business Education (F/T)
Master of Education in Curriculum Theory (F/T)
Master of Education in Early Childhood Education (F/T& Sandwich)
Master of Education in Economics Education (F/T & Sandwich)
Master of Education in English Education (F/T)
Master of Education in English Literature Education (F/T)
Master of Education in French Education (F/T)
Master of Education in Geography Education (F/T)
Master of Education in History (F/T)
Master of Education in Religion Education (CRS) (F/T)
Master of Education in Religion Education (IRS) (F/T)
Master of Education in Social Studies (F/T)
Master of Education in Yoruba Education (F/T)
Master of Education in Comparative Education (F/T)
Master of Education in Educational Psychology (F/T & Sandwich)
Master of Education in Guidance & Counselling (F/T & Sandwich)
Master of Education in Measurement & Evaluation (F/T&Sandwich)
Master of Education in Philosophy of Education (F/T)
Master of Education in Sociology of Education (F/T)
Postgraduate Diploma in Guidance and Counselling (P/T)
Master of Education in Exercise Physiology (F/T)
Master of Education in Health Education (F/T & Sandwich)
Master of Education in Sports Administration/Mgt. (F/T & Sandwich)
Master of Education in Sports Psychology (F/T & Sandwich)
Master of Education in Biology Education (F/T)
Master of Education in Chemistry Education (F/T & Sandwich)
Master of Education in Educational Technology (F/T & Sandwich)
Master of Education in Mathematics Education (F/T)
Master of Education in Physics Education (F/T)
DAY 1 – TUESDAY, 6TH OCTOBER, 2015, MULTI-PURPOSE HALL A (Afternoon Session - 1.00pm – 5.00pm)
Master of Arts in Music (F/T)
Master of Arts in Theatre Arts (F/T)
Master of Arts in Visual Arts (F/T)
Postgraduate Diploma in Music (F/T)
Postgraduate Diploma in Theatre Arts (F/T)
Postgraduate Diploma in Visual Arts (F/T)
Master of Art in English Language (F/T & P/T)
Master of Art in English Literature (F/T & P/T)
Postgraduate Diploma in English Language (P/T)
Master of Arts in French (F/T)
Master of Arts in Teaching of French as a Foreign Language (P/T)
Master in Diplomacy and Strategic Studies
Master of Arts in History and Strategic Studies
Master of Art in Igbo (Language Option) (F/T)
Master of Art in Igbo (Literature Option) (F/T)
Master of Art in Yoruba (Language Option) (F/T)
Master of Art in Yoruba (Literature Option) (F/T)
Master of Art in Philosophy (F/T)
Master of Professional Ethics
DAY 2 – WEDNESDAY 7TH OCTOBER, 2015, MULTI-PURPOSE HALL A (Morning Session 8.00am – 12noon)
Master of Natural Resource Management (P/T)
Master of Science in Botany (F/T)
Master of Science in Cell Biology and Genetics (F/T)
Postgraduate Diploma in Cell Biology and Genetics (Forensic Biology)(F/T)
Postgraduate Diploma in Cell Biology and Genetics (Genetic Counseling)(F/T)
Master of Science in Analytical Chemistry (F/T)
Master of Science in Chemistry (F/T)
Master of Science in Environmental Chemistry (F/T)
Master of Applied Geophysics (P/T)
Master of Science in Geophysics (F/T)
Master of Science in Mathematics (Applied Option) (F/T & P/T)
Master of Science in Mathematics (Pure Option) (F/T & P/T)
Master of Science in Statistics (F/T & P/T)
Postgraduate Diploma in Mathematics (P/T)
Postgraduate Diploma in Statistics (P/T)
Master of Science in Microbiology (F/T)
Master of Science in Physics (F/T)
DAY 2 – WEDNESDAY 7TH OCTOBER, 2015, DLI (Morning Session, 8.00am – 12noon)
Master of Aquatic Resource and Pollution Management (P/T)
Master of Science in Fisheries (Aquaculture) (F/T)
Master of Science in Fisheries Biology and Management (F/T)
Master of Science in Marine Biology (F/T)
Master of Science in Marine Pollution and Management (F/T)
Master of Science in Applied Entomology and Pest Management (F/T)
Master of Science in Environmental Toxicology and Pollution Management (F/T)
Master of Science in Natural Resources Conservation (F/T)
Master of Science in Parasitology and Bioinformatics (F/T)
DAY 2 – WEDNESDAY 7TH OCTOBER, 2015, MULTIPURPOSE HALL A (Afternoon Session, 1.00pm – 5.00pm)
Postgraduate Diploma in Anaesthesia (F/T)
Master of Science in Anatomy (F/T)
Master of Science in Biochemistry (F/T)
Master of Science in Biomedical Engineering
Postgraduate Diploma in Biomedical Engineering
Master of Science in Clinical Pathology (F/T)
Master of Science in Clinical Pharmacy (F/T)
Master of Science in Haematology & Blood Transfusion (F/T)
Master of Science in Medical Microbiology (F/T)
Master of Science in Medical Parasitology (F/T)
Master of Science in Pharmaceutics and Pharmaceutical Technology (F/T)
Master of Science in Pharmaceutical Chemistry (F/T)
Master of Science in Pharmacognosy (F/T)
Master of Science in Pharmacology (F/T)
Master of Science in Physiology (F/T)
Master of Science in Physiotherapy (F/T)
Master of Science in Medical Physics (F/T)
DAY 3 – THURSDAY, 8TH OCTOBER, 2015, MULTIPURPOSE HALL A (Morning Session, 8.00am – 12noon)
Master of Process Engineering (P/T)
Master of Science in Chemical Engineering (F/T)
Postgraduate Diploma in Chemical Engineering (P/T)
Master of Science in Electrical/Electronics (Communications Option) (F/T)
Master of Science in Electrical/Electronics (Control Option) (F/T)
Master of Science in Electrical/Electronics (Electrical Power Option) (F/T & P/T)
Master of Science in Electrical/Electronics (Electronics Option) (F/T & P/T)
Master of Science in Mechanical Engineering (F/T)
Master of Science in Metallurgical and Materials Engineering (F/T)
Postgraduate Diploma in Metallurgical and Materials Science (P/T)
Master of Geoinformatics Information Technology (F/T)
Master of Science in Surveying and Geoinformatics (F/T)
Postgraduate Diploma in Surveying and Geoinformatics (F/T)
DAY 3 – THURSDAY, 8TH OCTOBER, 2015, DLI (Morning Session, 8.00am – 12noon)
Master of Science in Civil and Environmental Engineering (F/T)
Postgraduate Diploma in Civil and Environmental Engineering(P/T)
Master of Science in Systems Engineering (F/T)
Postgraduate Diploma in Maritime Communications & Navigation (PGD-MC)
Postgraduate Diploma in Maritime Environmental Studies (PGD-ME)
DAY 3 – THURSDAY, 8TH OCTOBER, 2015, MULTIPURPOSE HALL A (Afternoon Session, 1.00pm – 5.00pm)
Master of Environmental Design (F/T & P/T)
Master of Landscape Architecture (P/T)
Master of Urban Design
Postgraduate Diploma in Environmental Design (P/T)
Master in Project Management (P/T)
Master of Science in Construction Management (F/T)
Master of Science in Construction Technology (F/T)
Master of Science in Quantity Surveying
Master in Facilities Management (P/T)
Master of Housing Development and Management
Master of Science in Estate Management (F/T)
Master in Urban and Regional Planning (P/T)
Master of Science in Urban and Regional Planning (F/T)
Master of Conflict Management
Master of Dispute Resolution
Master of International Law and Diplomacy
Master of Legal Studies
Master of Research and Public Policy
Master of Security and Intelligence Studies
F/T = Full-Time, P/T = Part-Time
S = Sandwich CBT = Computer Based Test
For further information, please contact: Deputy Registrar/Administrative Secretary, School of Postgraduate Studies, University of Lagos, Yaba, Lagos. Phone : 01-2802438.
E-mail: or visit SPGS website
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