Thursday 1 October 2015


Federal Republic of Nigeria is a great nation, often referred to as the gaint of AFRICA, owing to its large population and economy. It is the most populous country in Africa with over 174 Million inhabitants and the seventh most populous country in the world. It border Benin in the west, Chad and Cameroon in the east, and Niger in the north. Its coast in the south lies on the Gulf of Guinea in the Atlantic Ocean. It comprises 36 states and the Federal Capital Territory,  where the capital, Abuja is located.
Modern-day Nigeria has been the site of numerous kingdoms and tribal states for millennia. The modern state originated from British colonial rule beginning in the 19th century, and the merging of the Southern Nigeria Protectorate and Northern Nigeria Protectorate in 1914. The British set up administrative and legal structures whilst practicing indirect rule through traditional chiefdoms. Nigeria became a formally independent federation in 1960, and plunged into a civil war from 1967–1970. It has since alternated between democratically-elected civilian governments and military dictatorships, until it achieved a stable democracy in 1999, with its 2011 presidential elections being viewed as the first to be conducted reasonably freely and fairly
 The country is viewed as a multinational state, as it is inhabited by over 500 ethnic groups, of which the three largest are the Hausa, Igbo and Yoruba; these ethnic groups speak over 500 different languages, and are identified with wide variety of cultures. Nigeria is divided roughly in half between Christians, who live mostly in the southern and central parts of the country, and Muslims in the northern and southwestern regions. A minority of the population practise religions indigenous to Nigeria, such as those native to Igbo and Yoruba peoples.
As of 2015, Nigeria is the world's 20th largest economy, worth more than $500 billion and $1 trillion in terms of nominal GDP and purchasing power parity respectively. It overtook South Africa to become Africa's largest economy in 2014. Also, the debt-to-GDP ratio is only 11 percent, which is 8 percent below the 2012 ratio. Nigeria is considered to be an emerging market by the World Bank; It has been identified as a regional power on the African continent a middle power in international affairs and has also been identified as an emerging global power.
In the 2014 ebola outbreak, Nigeria was the first country to effectively contain and eliminate the Ebola threat that was ravaging three other countries in the West African region, as its unique method of contact tracing became an effective method later used by other countries, such as the United States, when Ebola threats were discovered.
Is no longer news that Nigeria is a great Nation with very great economy, but an essential problem bedevils this great nation, and that is THE NIGERIAN MENTALITY. The proverb goes like this , “if the foundation be destroyed what shall the just man do”. The best way to start resolving any issue is starting from the foundation. Many Nigerians have this myopic mindset that is injurious to the progress of this nation. It is appalling, however is true that many Nigerians don’t really know what rightfully belong to them and the few that happen to know are subjected to accept the lesser. Some don’t really know what they can do with their hands; to this I will say a big thank you to NYSC for enlightening people through their skill acquisition program.   It is wise to enlighten the nation, to know that Nigeria is our country and we are the ones to build it and nobody else. Many are eager to live the country, without heart for the country, this is very bad. An average American knows the basics about his country and can do anything within his power to protect his country. However in my wonderful country Nigeria everybody goes about his daily business, always dependant on what the government will do for them, they can spend hour on the internet, looking up gossips, abusing those in authority and looking for ways to pull them down. This is very disheartening, there is unism of purpose, the suppose government of democracy is not instilling the supposed “government of the people, and by the people and for the people”. The people are only interested on how much can I make or steal from the government. I beg Nigerians to please have a change in MENTALITY.
The fabric of the major problem in Nigeria lies in the understanding of what corruption is. It is appalling that every sector of the country is in one way or the other entangled with this major problem. The leader of a particular organization might be incorrupt, but vouching for all the followers and subjects is an issue most of them cant’t delve. This is because the heart of man is desperately wicked, who can know it. Individuals in various Subsector has a way of implementing their own corrupt practices. According to Transparency International’s Corrupt Perception Index 2014, Nigeria is at 136th position of the most corrupt country in the world, with a score percent of 27.The issue of corruption cannot be over emphasized but a way towards its elimination begins with you. If every Nigerian comes out and call a spade a spade we will make a head way. This still boils down to enlightenment, because when you are not enlighten you can easily be derided.
Corruption and poverty, according to United States President, Barack Obama, are two sides of the same coin. It is probably for this reason that the most corrupt nations usually have the highest poverty index in the world. In this regard, Nigeria and its neighbours have high poverty rates. However, the rate of poverty in Nigeria seems the most alarming because it is the largest economy in Africa with a GDP of $594bn due to the nation’s large oil exports and having the second largest stock exchange in Africa. However, due to pervasive corruption, daily oil theft coupled with the mismanagement of resources, 46 per cent of Nigerians live below the poverty line, according to a 2010 report by the World Bank while the life expectancy is 52 years. The issue of poverty eradication have a lot to do with Mentality, for it is only when you discover that you will recover. Most Nigerians are busy looking for white collar, while they themselves are potential CEO’s. It’s disheartening, to see able bodied individuals with no defects looming the street either looking for whom to defraud or settled in a corner begging for alms. This is very bad, Nigerians should awake, and take the bull by the horn; we can do it.
Majority of Nigerians youth are either not unemployed or underemployed. This actually has been a concern to the incumbent president. But while we await the unveiling of his employment mission, is ideal that every youth realize that his destiny lies in his hands and not with the government. Start from where you are, learn something new, start small, acquire a skill etc. Every big company you see today started someday, always be prepared. The government can never provide job for all but we can together make great impact. Start working on that dream today.

Terrorism in Nigeria has attained unprecedented heights in the last two years – leading to the deaths of thousands and the abduction of hundreds, mostly women. It is hard to forget the abduction of over 200 schoolgirls in the town of Chibok in Borno State, the perceived headquarters of Boko Haram. Nigeria, Cameroon, Chad, Niger and Republic of Benin, came together in 2014 to fight terrorism. They came together to form a Multinational Joint Task Force to combat the activities of Boko Haram in any of the countries and agreed to send their troops to begin counter-terrorism operations against the group along their national borders.
The war has also led to the increase in the number of refugees and Internally Displaced Persons’ camps. The porous borders have made it easy for terrorists to strike and enter the respective countries at will. President Buhari has, however, given the Nigerian troops three months to crush the terrorists. Though we are hopeful, but that decree alone is insufficient to curbing this menace. The best way to end terrorism in Nigeria is transparency, and this can be achieved through high definition digital technology. Its amazing when every step you take is on record, you have no option but to act discreetly
In summary, let us rise up as compatriots and make this country a great place to live, what it takes to move this nation forward is within, let us look inside.
I see a greater Nigeria,

The problem with Nigeria is not exhaustive but highlighting the basic is essential,… feel free to add yours by commenting also share and like our page… Remember the enlightenment begins with you



the issue of MENTALITY is a very crucial one

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