Saturday, 19 September 2015


There is no doubt that Facebook is the most popular social networking website with more than 500 million active users. Due to its popularity, many hackers (or should I say crackers?) are actively involved in hacking Facebook accounts of unsuspecting users. Have you ever wondered why some you see some unnecessary post on your time line?,  or why you see disgusting nude or obscene pictures shared by  friends you respect?. Most often than not those posts are not done by them and in anger you might unfriend them immediately.  That's the reason this article,  so you won't be a victim
This article outlines the many strategies that such hackers use to gain access to Facebook accounts of hundreds of users each day and how you can stop them from hacking your account. Inasmuch as the engineers of such interactive website,  have tried as much as possible to make the website secure,  but not everyone is enlightened to benefit from their security tips. Here in information for living (IFL) we are committed to telling you truth and keep you abreast of novel technology.  
It is very easy for any individual to get access to your Facebook account,  this is because once and individual knows your name Facebook automatically shows the person your email address and if your password is a weak one the person can have full access to your account. This vulnerability can be very annoying as you see DISGUSTING an OBSCENE updates on your wall. The must annoying part is that you friends will start looking at you as an irresponsible person. When I was not informed I simply helped the people delete the Account, but now I'm informed,  I SAY NO TO FACEBOOK HACKING

How can I stop Facebook hackers 
Your email address is a basic point of contact Facebook hackers utilize in carrying our their dubious schemes. However you can hide your email address from every one to see. 
To do this click on
 Edit Profile>Contact Information>Clicking on the icon beside your email address> checking 'Only Me'.
Change your primary email address to a one that is only known to you by going to Account Settings>Email> and changing your primary email to the new one (known only to you) and removing your previous email address.
For additional security, when in Account Settings, check 'Secure browsing' and 'Send me an email when a new computer or mobile device logs into this account' and click Save.

it is very annoying but true that some individual in a bid to use a word they can remember,  they use simple words like,  their name,  the name of God,  1234....,abcd....,  phone numbers Or any other series,  some also use their date of birth or the likes.  These password are simple to hack an any individual can hack them.  To make your password strong,  mix numbers,  special characters.  But please endeavour to know the password you used. Also when it comes to security questions don't just use simple answers.  Always have a backup for your password. 
Phishing is one of the easiest ways to trick users into giving out their login credentials. All a hacker does is setup a webpage similar in design to that of the Facebook homepage, attach a server sided script to track the username and password entered and store it in a log. Sending people emails stating that someone tagged a photo of them on Facebook in the same format as Facebook and giving a link below to the phishing website further reduces the chances of it being detected as a fake. Sometimes, spam Facebook apps, like those promising to tell who viewed your Facebook profile, automatically post links to phishing websites. A new trend amongst phishers is creating Facebook look-a-like widgets for stealing user's login credentials.
Phishing is the more reason you see unclad, Disgusting and provocative pictures and videos in the time line of your facebook friends even after the password has been changed. 
Steps to disable Phishing 
1. Login to your Facebook,  >> account settings >> Apps>> 
In apps you will see different applications that you have licenced to post on your behalf in the likes of
 (logged in with Facebook),
Here you will see
Sharing with public,  sharing with friends, and sharing with only me,  click on anv one of them that you are not familiar with and disable the . is advisable to disable those sharing with public and with friends except Instagram or let me say the once you are comfortable with. 

4. Be careful with links.  Please is not every link you see that you click,  

We will be making posts on some of these websites soon. Also with regards to post on jobrize and monthly youth pay,  the websites are just like every other websites that is properly constructed.  You won't have to pay anything safe your Mb but please never expect to withdraw any money from those websites..... More updates on that, in our next post
Stay tuned.  Feel free to ask your questions 



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